Universiy of Twente
Hans Scholten

From 2008 on I’m member of the, then newly established Pervasive Systems group of the University of Twente. Before, I worked in the Distributed and Embedded Systems group, where my main research subjects were distributed and real-time systems, operating systems, real-time networks, security and wireless sensor networks.

ince my move to the new PS group, my main research subjects are opportunistic sensing, communication and processing, pervasive computing, and wireless sensor networks. Application areas for my research are urban networking and safety, vehicular communication, and ehealth and wellbeing. Some of my recent projects are SenSafety (Sensor Networks for Public Safety, COMMIT program), iLand (Artemis), Si4MS (Sensor Information for Mobility Systems, IIP Mobility), WiHMO (Wireless Health Monitoring, InterReg), and Safety in the City (EIT ICT Labs). Two recent papers I co-authored on opportunistic sensing have been awarded best paper of the conference.

esides research, I’m (co-)responsible for a number of courses for the departments Creative Technology (Smart Environments), Computer Science (Computer Organization I & II) and Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems). Furthermore, I’m program mentor for the Wireless Systems track of TGS, tutor for Creative Technology and Computer Science, member of the exam committees of Creative Technology and the national Embedded Systems program, and member of the Creative Technology “disciplineraad”. I’m part of the workgroup that set up the Creative Technology program.

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