Links to my professional interests:

Dynamical Systems Web portal with news, software and tutorials
Nonlinear Faq, A very organized overview
Scholarpedia , A wiki on dynamical systems and neuroscience
CONTENT, see also my notes
MatCont, a numerical continuation toolbox for Matlab for ODEs and MAPs
KWG, Dutch mathematical society
HomMap, continuation of homoclinic orbits for maps. I would like to know who is using this?
ADOL-C, automatic differentiation software
Math Dancing .

Links to my personal interests:

Blue Balls, Keep watching
My favourite composers Scriabin(wikipedia) and Liszt(wikipedia)
If you want to discover music, look at the youtube channels Hexameron (RIP!), fyrexianoff and buy those discs.

On using computers

Memory management is important; type
"sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3" to free memory, as I learned here: here . Along this line I have experienced that the (roughly) same code in Python was much more efficient than Matlab, reducing computational effort from a full day to 3 hours.