Survey Statistics

This survey will be used as an example during Statistics courses for CS, BIT, Create and IEM, especially for applying the statistical software as SPSS. Please, give serious answers!

studentnummer: s Your student number will not be visible in presentations
alias Create your own alias (max. 10 characters, see below).
sex (gender) male female
nationality Do you have the Dutch or an other nationality?
study programme Which bachelor programme are you studying at the moment?
number of children How many children does your mother have (number of brothers and sisters including yourself)?
housing with parents in a student house Other (e.g. solitary or with a partner) Where do you live on weekdays?
travel time UT-home (in minutes) Estimate the (mean) time to travel from home to the University, e.g. 24 (minutes).
colour What is your favourite colour?
Opinion on the level of your study programme Opinion: "The educational level of my study programme is ...."
Opinion on Projects Opinion: "The number of projects in my study programme and the time spend on it (compared to the content courses) in the programme is ...."
Recommend my programme Opinion: "I would recommend my study programme at this university to any seriously interested student"
Length in cm Give your length rounded in cm, e.g. 182 (no dot, no comma, no unit!)
Weight in kg Give your weight, rounded in kilo's, e.g. 84
Laptop in Euro`s What was the prchase price in Euro's of your present laptop/notebook? E.g. 640


Choose your own (easy to remember) alias, for example: Jevgenie, Bokita, Shanghai, Champion, #me.